Digital Technology Years 7 – 10


Digital Technology 2021-2022 covers all skills and knowledge related to the ACARA Digital Technologies curriculum.



This text book is designed for teachers and students of Digital Technologies Years 7 – 10 in Australian high schools.

Chapters include:

Fundamentals (Year 7)

Fundamentals I: ICT at School

Fundamentals II: Google Apps  for School

Fundamentals III: Social and Ethical Use of Technology

Foundation (Years 7 & 8)

Foundation ICT Skills

  •           Word Processing
  •           PowerPoint Animation
  •           Web Development I
  •           Turtle Programming

Foundation Digital Technology Knowledge

  •           Binary
  •           Data Storage and Memory
  •           Data Types and File Types
  •           Networks
  •           Hardware and Software
  •           Cybersecurity
  •           Programming I

Foundation Assessment Tasks

Intermediate (Years 7, 8 & 9)

Intermediate ICT Skills

  •           Excel
  •           Data Mining
  •           Visualisation
  •           Web Development II
  •           Programming Microbits

Intermediate Digital Technology Knowledge

  •           Data Analysis
  •           Elements and Principles of Design
  •           Raster and Vector Images
  •           The Web and the Internet
  •           Social and Ethical Issues
  •           Programming II

Intermediate Assessment Tasks

Advanced (Year 9 & 10)

Advanced ICT SKills

  •       Spreadsheets
  •       Databases
  •       Visual Basic Programming
  •       Web Development

Advanced Digital Technology Knowledge

  •       Social and Ethical Issues
  •      Legal Obligations
  •      Transaction Processing Systems
  •       Programming Design Tools
  •       Cybersecurity
  •       Web Design

Advanced Assessment Tasks

  Specialist Studies: Data Analytics (Year 10)

  • Data Mining
  • Data Analysis
  • Visualization
  • Legal Obligations
  • Report Writing

  Specialist Studies: eCommerce (Year 10)

  • Market Research
  • Business Plan
  • Internet Technology
  • Web Development
  • Server-side programming

  Specialist Studies: Software Development (Year 10)

  • Visual Basic programming
  • Analysis Tools
  • Design Tools
  • Project Managment

  Specialist Studies: Transaction processing Systems (Year 10)

  • Database design
  • SQL
  • Interface design
  • Project Management



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